Pact Three & The Peak Beyond: Journey to Purposeful Profiteering

Case Study

“We are blown away by Pact Three's commitment to our growth and success. We now have a clear and easy path for achieving the rest of our goals.” – Jeff LaPenna, CEO, The Peak Beyond

Partnership Overview

The Peak Beyond, an omni-channel retail solution, has a mission focused on sustainable economic development and consumer empowerment. In pursuit of this mission, The Peak Beyond dedicates regular investment for positive social impact and to support underserved communities. However, The Peak Beyond felt as if their aspirations outweighed their actions and engaged Pact Three to help craft a bridge to deeper social and environmental impact.

The Peak Beyond partnered with Pact Three to assess their current state of social and environmental impact, discover opportunities to achieve long-term results, and define an action plan towards becoming a social and environmental impact leader in the industry.

The Peak Beyond & Pact Three meeting to review the impact assessment and action plan.

“The foundation provided by Pact Three will help us implement our goals as we grow our team. Overall, Pact Three has made something daunting feel completely achievable.” – Jeff LaPenna, CEO, The Peak Beyond

Partnership Results

Through a three-month working partnership with Pact Three, quick win and major projects were outlined. By pursuing these milestones, The Peak Beyond increased their social and environmental impact score by 19.6%.

Pact Three’s initial social and environmental assessment identified The Peak Beyond’s strength around Community, which aligned well with The Peak Beyond’s mission. Pact Three identified gaps around Governance, Workers and Customers categories, which resulted in a detailed action plan and established the following:

  • Formalized commitments including a socially responsible Mission Statement, Code of Ethics, Harassment Protocol, Privacy Policy, and financial and human resources controls.

  • Comprehensive onboarding process for new employees including an accessible employee handbook, social and environmental integration in human resources tasks, and 360-degree employee feedback program.

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction plan including a Net Promoter Score and customer feedback program.

Having tackled some of the long-standing priorities of The Peak Beyond’s business, Pact Three provided the inspiration and tools to continue growing The Peak Beyond’s social and environmental goals. By leveraging the documentation and milestone plan, The Peak Beyond can continue formalizing their inward and outward-facing efforts for greater social and environmental impact.

Read the full interview

  • The Peak Beyond is an omni-channel solutions provider for retailers and brands. We measure success as our ability to create new business opportunities while innovating on and improving the consumer experience. Learn more at

  • Before working with Pact Three, we had a lot of aspiration without much action. We have wanted to build out the social and environmental missions for our business but have struggled in not having enough time or resources to do so.

  • Pact Three has the formal knowledge and structure we have needed in order to efficiently work towards our goals. We knew that Pact Three would be able to assess our current status and provide an achievable action plan.

  • Pact Three was able to work with our busy schedule and lack of time resources while still keeping us on track for our goals. The initial assessment of our company's status immediately brought to light areas of our business and mission that needed more attention in order to match our values.

    Our continued work with Pact Three helped identify low hanging fruit objectives that were easily accomplishable, while structuring longer term goals on a clear and achievable timeline. Pact Three prepared practically complete draft documents, including an employee handbook, that have saved our team dozens of hours and have provided us with a nearly complete foundation from which we can finalize the work to fit our own messaging. Overall, Pact Three has made something daunting feel completely achievable.

  • Working with Pact Three gave us great confirmation that we are on the right track! Many of the projects that we had placed on the backburner were the focal points in our work with Pact Three, which provided the structure we have needed in order to bring them back into focus. I also learned that there are many small things our business can do that will help us become a more responsible, public-facing company.

  • We are blown away by Pact Three's commitment to our growth and success. Pact Three has made this an easy process, and we have a clear and easy path for achieving the rest of our goals.

  • Collaborative; Effective; Efficient; Organized; Result-driven; Consistent; Achievable; Resourceful