Earth Friendly Events

Let's start with the basics. Sustainability is the ability to exist at a constant, meaning that we meet our current needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. Being "sustainable" should be applied to most of our decisions - the environment, social impact, the economy, human rights, work life balance, stamina, etc. Luckily, a large amount of these sustainable decisions positively correlate. For instance, positive work life balance has a positive impact on stamina. Positive environmental practices have a positive social impact.

Are events environmentally sustainable?

Currently, the event industry has an enormous impact on the environment and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. Here are few stats illustrating the impact that events currently have on our environment:

Who’s doing it right?

The multibillion-dollar event industry is the perfect place to implement sustainable practices if we want to see results fast! Here are some examples of organizations that are committed towards bettering the environment:

What can we do right now?

We have a basic understanding of the impact that human-activity, specifically events, has on the atmosphere, resulting in harmful changes to our climate and environment. There is no time to ignore, deny, or question our intellect to work towards improved products, services, and practices. Let’s list a few things we can do right now that will result in positive change:

  • Offer digital attendance options for your event to limit the amount of required travel. By offering a hybrid in-person and digital event experience, you will minimize the environmental impact while also advocating for more inclusive participation.

  • Examine your use of swag at events and the value the items truly provide to the attendee and the event’s goal. Ask yourself if the swag is sustainably sourced, if the items serve a purpose towards lowering your footprint (eg: water bottles to use during the event and keep post-event), can the offerings be served digitally instead (eg: wellness memberships), and outline your plan for excess donations and/or recycling.

  • Eliminate waste by reducing signage, offering water stations and reusable cutlery, using reusable resources, and employing digital solutions like an event app.

  • Pick partners and vendors that have the same prioritizations. Look for vendors that have sustainable plans and practices in place that can be clearly displayed and explained. Ensure that there are proper certifications in place like Certified Carbon Neutral, Certified Organic and Marine Stewardship Council Standards, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified, and commitments towards carbon offsetting. (Reference: Sustainability Certifications: Which Can You Trust? -

Even the organizations striving to be eco-friendly need to continue innovating to continue our progress towards a safer and greener earth. We are personally responsible for modifying our daily life to off-set this impact, but most importantly, responsible for making systemic change to transform entire industries from negative climate impact to positive, sustainable practices.

This "Earth Friendly Events" series of articles and interviews will focus on environmental sustainability regarding the event industry. Let's prioritize solving the challenges we face with one of the largest industries - events!

Additional recommended reading: Overview of Greenhouses Gases and Earth's Changing Climate by Ricard Wolfson


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